You attempted to submit to a category that has exceeded its submission cap and is no longer available.

Editor DW McKinney is interested in reading ECO–CREATIVE NONFICTION that explores your relationship to the natural world, whether in rural or urban environments. We welcome elegies and hymns, the celebratory epistolary, meditations, memoir—whatever you envision as long as you demonstrate your relationship and interactions with nature. Submit no less than 1,000 words and a maximum of 4,000; no academic writing, please.

Some general logistics: We’ll only consider one submission per author at a time; no multiple submissions in different genres, please! We'll also consider only one submission per reading period. In other words, if you submit a piece of nonfiction and it isn't accepted, please wait until our next reading period to submit a new piece unless you've been specifically invited to resubmit. Submitted work should be previously unpublished in English. Work simultaneously submitted elsewhere will be considered, but we ask that you withdraw the work immediately if it is accepted (and congratulations, by the way!). 

This portal is for COMICS submissions only. Any other genre will be declined without being read. Please see the Submit page on our website for reading periods in all genres. COMICS, considered by editor Chris Gavaler, can be in black and white or color and should be submitted as PDFs. 

Chris will only consider one submission per author at a time (no multiple submissions in different genres, please), and will delete multiple submissions without reading them. Please decide what you’d like us to read most, submit that, and wait for a response before submitting additional work. Submitted work should be previously unpublished in English. Work simultaneously submitted elsewhere will be considered, but we ask that you withdraw the work immediately if it is accepted (and congratulations, by the way). 
